
If something within the words on this blog has touched your heart and has helped you move forward, I would love to hear from you!  Comment below or send me an e-mail at hopaluk [at] shaw [dot] ca

If you have someone in your life that would benefit from this blog, please share it with others!

My hope is that we can build a community of support for one another.

We all need support, love, peace, and a little understanding. 🙂

From my heart to yours,


8 thoughts on “Connect!

  1. Dear Christine,
    I have only met you once and I thought you were great person. I didn’t know much about you except that you are a mom and were in the mommies group. Later I found out you are also a photographer. A really good one from the pictures I have seen.

    I am writing to you because I realized that everyone comes into our life for a reason. Today I am writing to you because now I know why you came into my life. Your story is so amazing and inspiring. I am not struggling with weight. However I am struggling and very much feel like “I am stuck” and until today I didn’t even realized how much I am letting my life pass me by instead of “jumping in and living it”.

    I just finished reading your blog and I was amazed that all the hard work you put in not only for losing weight but reclaiming your life. Starting right now I will start reclaiming my life. Thank you so much Christine you are a beautiful person inside and out.


  2. Thanks for commenting Bianca! Yes, I agree with you. People do come into our lives for various reasons. I’m so glad we met! I thought the same of you when I met you. I’m so glad you are jumping in and living life full force. That’s great news! I hope to see you soon!

  3. I smiled when I read some of your techniques .. the big one, just do not buy crap. I do not buy the junk so that if I want to eat something, I totally can as nothing in my house is bad for me. I giggle at the people that count calories every day and swear they will count for the rest of their lives. Anyone can lose weight by counting calories, but the real trick is to keep it off once you stop. That only comes from learning how to ditch the bad habits that got you to where you are in the first place. The real answer .. as you found, just do not eat junk. No one ever got over weight eating healthy food. Love your story. I have maintained myself for over 2 years not counting a calorie or caring what I eat .. mind you I never eat fast food or anything that I would consider junk. It works. The freedom of knowing that you can eat whatever you like is wonderful.

  4. Christine,
    So great to read your story. I am now where you were. And need to get started. My biggest hurdle is shift work and odd eating times. Any advice? Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Laurel, shift work can be tricky. My best advice is preparation. Always have some sort of lean protein source and complex carbohydrates on hand so you can keep your body fuelled so your hunger never gets out of control. Cook up a bunch of lean protein…chicken, fish, lean ground turkey/chicken/beef to have on hand to add to omelettes, salads, multi-grain wraps. Pack snacks that are easy to grab, fresh fruits/veggies, snack sized canned tuna on lettuce wraps or multigrain wraps (I love “flat out” wraps, they have lots of fibre and protein in them), a handful of almonds, cottage cheese, plain greek yogurt (I add a bit of “stevia” sweetener, fruit, and oats to it). Opt for multigrains (rice, pasta, bread) rather than the processed white stuff. Cut out soda and processed foods as much as possible. If you are prepared and create a no-fail environment…you’ll succeed in the food department no matter how busy your lifestyle gets. 🙂 Best of luck to you!

  5. I just saw your global tv interview and was drawn to your story. I was you in my youth but unlike you I never had the courage to over come my issues. I tried so many times but they kept dragging me back. I had times of huge progress and times of utter chaos. I to looked for anyone or anything that could change me and make me a normal weight. The years passed the struggle never ended and now I find myself at 63 still a work in progress. No lighter but much wiser. I truly admire your strength and perseverance. I will become a grateful follower and look forward to getting to know you better through your blog.

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