Continuing to Walk

You know God has a way of bringing people and situations into my life exactly when I need it most. This has been a truth through out my life, and I’m thankful for that!  I’ve learned I just need to open my eyes, force myself out of my comfort zone, and listen…because these teachers of life are all around me.

It’s been awhile since I was back at the gym.  In fact, I haven’t been back since November 16th.  The reason I know the date is because on my last visit, I met a man who was learning to walk again and I wrote about the experience here:

I had just finished my run this morning…my first 5K in a month. I felt amazing after and proud that I forced my butt back to the gym even though I’ve had a discouraging few weeks. And then I saw him, that strong man who encouraged me on my last gym visit, making his way to the weight station.  I was so excited to see him, that I ran over and started talking without realizing that perhaps I didn’t make a memorable impression on him, as he had on me. Ha!  But he remembered me!

This Christmas season when life is hectic and at times stressful, I want to share with you the lesson he has taught me even further.  What I didn’t know in our last conversation was how he lost his leg. He shared with me his story of survival. He was hit by a semi truck while driving his motorbike on a busy highway.  After he was struck, he was drug by the tire of the semi and the semi driver didn’t even know he hit him until his bike rolled out of control ahead of the semi.

His injuries are not just confined to his leg: He broke his pelvis, and both of his arms were severely injured, particularly his left arm which has extensive muscle damage leaving him unable to lift it without assistance. He also sustained injuries to his face and mouth as the handlebars of his bike struck him in the face. He told me he didn’t realize he lost his leg until he looked down.

The insurance covered very little of the bills he needs to pay as a result of his accident and the doctors have told him that he is “too old” to fix the muscle damage in his arm…even though he isn’t 60 yet and has so much more life to live!

But through all of this story he ended it with: “I’m happy to be here, I have my full prosthetic leg now, and next summer I hope to get back on my bike. I have my wife, and my life. There isn’t much to complain about if I have that.”  Through out the time he told me his story, a smile never left his face and a light sparkled in his eyes.

He asked me to keep him in my prayers.  Can I ask you a favour?  If you pray, can you also please keep him in your prayers as well?

Enjoy the sweet joy of life this holidays season, and through out the New Year.   I’m thankful for this reminder once again that sometimes just when I feel discouraged, I only need to count my blessings. Life is good especially when you realize just how good it truly is!

From my heart to yours,
