How to Lose Belly Fat

I used to think that you could target belly fat by doing specific exercises and focussing much time in the gym on Abs.

I look at it like this: there are 3 powerful components at my disposal to not only lose, but also maintain my healthy weight.

I can use these 3 tools in whatever capacity I need to as my lifestyle changes and life naturally follows the ebbs and flows of busy. Sometimes that means more focus on my nutrition and less on activity when my life gets hectic. And when I have more time, I focus on strength training, and less on the other elements (and vice versa with my cardio).

It’s an ever shifting balance but thankfully, the scales of balance have always levelled out for me. I enjoy eating (this girl can throw down at a dinner table), so I love that I have cardio/strength training to supplement that.

Pyramid of Tools:

Nutrition and Water

Resistance Training: Strength 

Aerobic Activity: Cardio

I quickly learned that weight loss is not localized and the most important tool within my control is my diet (that’s why it’s on the top of the pyramid).

Back to that pesky belly fat we all want to shed. Belly fat is visceral fat. You can strengthen the abdominal through exercise, but until you get rid of the visceral fat, you will not be able to see the fruits of your labour.

There is a saying “abs are built in the kitchen”.  Boy have I have learned this truth through the years. You simply can not out run a bad diet. There are certain types of foods you can eat that can help you lose weight, and when paired with exercise (both cardio and strength training), the belly fat decreases. Yay! That’s great news right?!

Another fun fact I learned, fat cells don’t disappear, they just shrink. WTF?! So there is no finish line for me, I have found a lifestyle I’m completely in love with which allows me to maintain my healthy weight, and practice gratitude for this healthy body. It’s an act of love to take care of myself.

So here’s some tips on the nutrition side of the pyramid:

Choose foods high in soluble fibre.

Soluble fibre absorbs water and helps slow down food as it passes through your digestive system. Studies show this type of fibre promotes weight loss by helping you feel satiated so you naturally eat less.

Foods high in fibre:  pears, strawberries, avocado, broccoli, apples, raspberries, bananas, carrots, beets, brussels sprouts, lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, split peas, quinoa, oats, popcorn, almonds, chia seeds and sweet potatoes.

Choose lean protein sources.

Protein raises your metabolic rate and helps you retain muscle mass during weight loss. A diet with a focus on lean protein, complex carbohydrates (think veggies/whole grains), and healthy fats will also help you to feel full and regulate your insulin.

Lean protein sources: fish, wild game, chicken, turkey, bison, beans/lentils, eggs, soy, cottage cheese, nuts/nut butters, protein powders (whey, soy, veg).

Cut out refined sugars.

There are countless studies linking belly fat with a diet high in refined sugars. Sugar is like a drug. It can feel impossible to control cravings when you ingest large amounts; personally, I try not to eat sugar “in moderation”. It’s a trigger food for me, so cutting it out as much as possible worked best for me. There’s no more roller coaster of energy…which wasn’t even true energy but rather spikes in my blood sugar. When you go up you must come down.

I choose foods that keep me coasting straight and steady. Like top rolled down on a converatable, hair in a scarf, sunshine on my smiley face. lol  I feel in control and have a steady source of energy from my food choices.

Food is fuel. Choose wisely. I can’t even begin to explain the amazingly positive difference in my moods, energy, and all around happiness when I gained control over my sugar addiction. My family is thankful for that change too. 😉

Avoid drinking your calories.

Most fruit juices, pops, cocktails are not only high in sugar, but the body does not process these types of calories the same as food counterparts. There really is no nutritional value to drinking orange juice, versus eating an actual orange and choosing water with lemon instead.  Fruit juices may contain some vitamins, but they also contain as much sugar as a soda pop.

Avoid foods that contain “Trans Fats”.

Trans fats have been linked to inflammation, heart disease, insulin resistance and abdominal fat gain in studies. I know…yadda, yadda, yadddda. But seriously friends, read your labels. These are often listed as “partially hydrogenated” fats. Not all fats are created equal. Some fats are heart healthy like Omega-3 fats found in Salmon. Omega-3’s are termed essential fatty acids because the body can not produce them on its own and they are essential for health.

Drink Water

This is quite possibly the most important and simple tool at your disposal. I aim for 100 oz a day or 4 of those Costco contego bottles.

Track your nutrition with a free online app.

This not only helps me stay accountable, but it also gives me a valuable snapshot of my day and a look at my macro breakdown (Protein/Carbohydrates/Fats). I can clearly see how much sugar, fibre, sodium, protein, carbohydrates, and fats I am consuming every day. I do not focus on calories, but rather quality of my calories along with the activity I fit into my day. Knowledge is power. We all know to lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than your body needs. I try not to make it overcomplicated.

Use Cardio as a tool.

Cardio is not only vital to heart health, but it’s an essential tool to burn calories. When you combine cardio with strength training to gain muscle, you can change your entire metabolic rate. Read that last sentence again and let it soak in, because it’s so freaking amazing. You can change your entire body composition!

For me, intensity is key. The human body is brilliant; it adapts quickly to whatever you throw at it. To avoid plateaus, I mix things up…always keep my body guessing. Add cardio into my strength circuits, go for different intensity runs through out the week, combine walking/jogging/sprints…just mix it up (plus I won’t get bored). Try new cardio activities: bike, swim, hike, get out with the kids and get active.  If you have the ability to run/move/jump/walk, you are so blessed. Many are not afforded that luxury. Look at it as a gift.

Build Muscle

Muscle is an active tissue, which means you are burning calories while you are chillin’ like a villain long after your workout. We naturally lose muscle as we age, so the only way to get muscle is to build it. If you build it, health will come.

Not sure where to start? Hire a personal trainer so you learn proper form and avoid injury. If you are in my area, send me a message. 🙂 And oh my my, it’s addicting, I just love my one hour of lifting time. I zone out and feel so powerful and full of pride. Results come quickly when it comes to strength training.

  • Use cardio to burn
  • Strength to build a strong foundation (like a house made of bricks)
  • Food to fuel your amazingly beautiful life

It’s as simple as that for me; and my happy weight was a byproduct of that equation (along with a healthy dose of self-love).  Treat YOU just as you treat those you love most in your life.

Reduce stress and get your sleep.

Studies have linked the stress hormone “cortisol” to increased belly fat storage as well as increased appetite.  Do whatever feeds your spirit in a positive way: go for a walk/run, try yoga, go kayaking, go for a hike surrounded by beauty.

I mean come on my friends!!!! Look at this amazing planet we live on….move as the body is designed to and soak up the beauty around you.

Practice gratitude for all the blessings in your life, and start your day off that way (listen to Peter). We may not be able to control the stressors in our daily life, but we can control our perceptions and outlook. It’s in HOW we handle that stress that’s most important.

Move more, eat quality, feed your body/mind/spirit in love, rest, be ever grateful…repeat.

The body is a miraculous machine, it’s always in a state of healing. When I think about the years I abused by body with no activity and highly processed foods, I’m amazed it just kept on urging to move.  Yes, it can feel like it takes a long time getting that weight off, but when you compare it to the years spent abusing it….it’s not even comparable.

What took me almost two decades to put on, my body responded in love within 18 months (and I had my beautiful girl in the middle of it all). How amazing is that?! So very grateful.

From my thankful heart to yours,


Life Advice from a Stranger ~ Peter

After my workout this morning, I stopped at the Leduc Farmer’s Market to pick up some fresh produce. I was walking by a pot pie booth (who doesn’t love pot pie) and this enthusiastic man told me to come over and try the samples.  I’m also a fan of free samples of anything. lol Now at first, because of his enthusiasm, I thought he was employed to sell pot pies, buuuuuut it turns out he just really loves pot pies and conversing with strangers. 😉

We got to talking, and immediately I knew he was a Zen Joy person.  I have met only a few of those types of those sunshiney people in my life, so I just had to know about his story. One thing I’ve learned about all the Zen Joy people I’ve met, is that they have gone through hardship and have transformed their spirit through adversity.  Through the ashes of tribulation comes beauty, deep gratitude for life, inspiration, authenticity and joy.

After we talked awhile, I asked if I could tape him, so I will always remember. I was so excited when he agreed, that I didn’t press record. So he did this twice for me (at the end he says “I hope it works this time” ha!) He told me I could share this on my blog.

So this is Peter who works driving truck in Texas. Lover of Harley’s. And perhaps one of the most generous and happy people I will ever have the pleasure of meeting in this beautiful life. I hope you take away as much positivity and inspiration from him as I did.

Thank you Peter.

From my heart to yours,


Lessons learned from a former couch dweller

I was having a conversation with a friend about overcoming injuries that crop up when you are training.  It’s very frustrating when you are working hard towards a goal and your body decides be uncooperative. I mean get with the program. lol

This has happened to me several times through the years, and I’m reminded each time to be gentle with myself.

That’s not the same as giving up.

It simply means I continue around my injuries. Give it time to heal. Be gentle. Train in creative ways. Because injuries happen. They would happen if I sat on the couch everyday too. I had way more injuries when I sported an extra 100 pounds around on my frame. I had a season pass to my chiropractor. I didn’t even call him doctor, just his first name. I knew more about him than my hairdresser. I knew he liked to take long lunch breaks; which I dreaded when my back locked up at lunch time. I don’t even have my very own chiropractor anymore. lol I do however have my own Hutterite; because I hate gardening and they make all the colourful veggies grow.

If my knees are bothering me, I can still move in other ways. Swim. Bike. Do an upper body circuit. But stay off the couch…that couch I used to retreat to like a trusted friend. It was just a metaphor for giving up on living the life I knew I should. I can’t recall a single awesome memory from that couch. lol I do remember a lot of frustration, fear, depression…how did I get here?

I have an old IT band injury from running the same path where there’s a section of uneven driveways. It’s on one leg, because I ran the same direction for a very long time. It never occurred to me to take a different path or run a different direction. Isn’t that how it works in life; we don’t even know we are doing damage to ourselves while we are immersed within a rut.

Until you find a better way.

Another big lesson I’ve learned over the years: You must change things up. Complacency is never a good idea within health and well-being.

I try to correct myself when I sum up this journey by using the word “fitness”. It’s so much more than that. It’s the mind/body/spirit connection all wrapped up in beautifully continued transformation within well-being: the act of being well.  I know this is the path I’m meant to be on, because it’s exactly how my body is designed to function best.

It’s a daily choice.

Today I choose to go out in the sunshine and go for a walk. Not to burn calories, or to make my daily quota of steps on my fitbit (although that’s an annoying addiction some days…am I right fitbitters?); but rather to enjoy the healing power of nature and sunshine. Living in Alberta, I know these days are to be cherished…the snow and dark is coming. lol

I will uplift those who cross my path, and choose my words with intention. I can be negative or positive. I can transfer a vibe of chill/relax/happy or I can be an Eeyore. We all have Eeyore’s in our lives, I would be mortified is someone described me that way.

That’s the amazing thing about living in the dark for a long time; when you find light, you are so grateful for it…it’s stays with you and becomes a part of your spirit.

I hope you have an amazing sunshiney day. Remember to be gentle with yourself. 🙂

From my heart to yours,


The Power of Accountability and Friendship

A few of us ladies, all on our own unique path of health and wellness, have decided to combine the power of accountability along with camaraderie.

We are friends who sweat together; yet separately on our own time. lol Like active introverts.

What started out as a way to motivate some of my clients to get their cardio in when they are not in the studio training; has trickled its way right into my heart (and kicked my butt in the process).

The deal was, they were going to text me a photo of their sweaty faces after their workout. With each beautiful sweaty faced text I received, I felt this urging in my spirit to run. I have been very focussed on strength training and less on running my 5K’s which are as important to my soul as it is to my heart. Heart healthy in all the ways.


Away the daily stresses.

To feel alive.

To feel the sunshine on my face and the wind in my hair.

To feel thankful that I have the ability to run, walk, sprint; when others do not have that luxury (love you Janice).

To remember the strength of the human body and spirit.

To feel that rush of endorphins; even through the uncomfortable.

To live outside my comfort zone. Nothing grows in comfort.

So I ran.

And then I ran again.

With each text I received, I made the time to run. Because I’m just so proud of them it makes my eyeballs leak.

I am so thankful for the genuine connections I have made because of fitness.

These relationships are forged on authenticity, vulnerability, positivity, laughter, and pride in one another’s tenacity to never give up.

To keep pushing through the hard days.

To challenge not only ourselves; but one another.

To fight the urge of complacency because there’s a better way to live. There’s no going back.

Live actively, wholeheartedly, and with determination.

Run on my soul sisters. ❤

From my heart to yours,


Offering to lift a giraffe at a gas station, backing up a trailer, and other random insights. Reclaiming Life

I’ve done my Miracle Morning routine for over a year now. I get up an hour earlier than usual to read/write/meditate/goal-dream etc. It’s starts my day off focussed on positive and travels right along side me through out the day. Like the trusted family dog. All loyal and happy.

I have this list of things I want to do. To learn. Ways in which I want to grow.

Little goals, and big goals. All in one big list. Some might seem ridiculous, like make a cardboard car (like the Flintstones) and go through a drive through with my girlfriends. I would have already done this, but I need to find a fridge box or something largish because we need a bit of real estate.

There’s also some actually progressive-to-my-future goals on there too, but there’s always time for ridiculous in life.

I add to it, and check off the things I’ve done as life’s adventures unfold. I’ve been able to tick off some pretty cool things which have come about in the most surprising of ways.

I’ve learned that’s how it works, this Law of Attraction stuff…


In perfect timing.

Put out what you want to do. Who you want to be. Dream big.

Give it breath.

Be not only open to the idea of it; but believe with all your senses it will happen.

Put action towards it. (you can’t just sit on a couch and wish for bubbles, rainbows and lollipops)

And poof! It’s no longer a dream, but a reality.

You see, that’s where I went wrong before, I had these tiny seeds of doubt that would creep in, and I didn’t give my goals and dreams the action required.  Even if it’s just little forward steps (emphasis on forward momentum).

It’s within my control to water the seeds of doubt; or the seeds of self-efficacy.

On my list from April 22, 2017: Find a little tent trailer so I can camp with my children again, and then obviously learn how to back it up. Because you can’t always camp in a straight line.

I had this idea that backing things up was hard because when my kids were small, I had this bike trailer I would jackknife all the time. My kids would yell “Mom! You made us go sideways again”

Anywhoooo, I found this tent trailer on Kijiji and it turned out, they knew who I was because I’d taken pictures at their neighbour’s acreage. They were really kind and helpful. For the first time in my life, I didn’t consult anyone but myself. I gave them my monies and left with a trailer.

I’ve worked so much that I didn’t have time to figure out how to set it up, pull it, or back it up until the night before we left for our first camping trip. So at 10:30 p.m. my oldest son put on his patient hat and we pulled it to a school parking lot where he instructed in very soft tones how to think backwards so I could back it up. And I did it. 🙂  I pulled it all over that parking lot into random stalls which I pretended were lined with trees. lol

I realize for many, this whole process is ridiculously simple…the whole independent camping deal. But for me, this is a new chapter of independence and relying on myself in a way I used to depended on others. That’s on me. I set my life up that way in the past, but I don’t live there anymore. 😉

So this past week-end, I packed up that little trailer with a week-end’s worth of camping gear and treats and headed out with my kids to meet up with the rest of my big crazy family.

You have to be creative when packing a tent trailer, because it basically unfolds like a clown car, once a sandwich and then a magic hut which holds many bodies. I channelled my inner MacGyver.

We sang on the top of our lungs for much of the trip, or at least I did while they put in earphones. I shoulder car danced.

We stopped at a gas station at the Alberta/Sask border and I saw this elongated stranger trying to reach fire works from the top of a tall shelf.

The store clerk came over and asked him if he needed a ladder and I blurted out “no I will just lift him”. She said “cool” and turned on her heels and marched away.

And he looked at me with a blank expression…because stranger danger…and asked: “Are you really going to lift me?”

I didn’t blink at all and said “Or course” like it’s no big deal to lift strangers in a gas station.  I do it all the time.

But he just stood on his tipey-toes and got it down just fine. I wondered in my head after if I actually thought I could lift him. He was tall like a giraffe, with super long legs. There was no reason why he needed a ladder.

Random stranger gas station story.

We kept on travelling and my son remarked how I was getting more confident hauling the trailer. When he said that I realized I forgot there was a trailer behind me. I really should have put a sign on it “Never hauled anything in the history of ever before”.  You know like those “new driver” signs.

We arrived with smiles, and together (minus one rogue child who ran off to have fun with the cousins) we parked and set up our new-to-us little tent trailer surrounded by family at the lake.

My divorced parents have adjoined lake lots because they are awesome that way and besties. And my sisters have their own trailers which we set up like the adult version of a pillow fort.

My sister’s husband parked their motor home and I looked at Brenda and said, “But our awnings don’t face each other. How are we going to wake up and poke our heads out the door in the morning and have coffee together if you are facing the opposite way.” And she told me I had creative freedom to tell him that, but she wasn’t (because that’s annoying, which I get but I have nothing to lose). I have to give him the patience award because he listened to my request and said “oh right, you two like to do that” and reparked.

My little sister gifted me matching onesies back when my life was at its trickiest, so I found a way to repay her with matching camo pants. Because we are so roughing it camping in trailers?! 😉

I had an amazing week-end with my family celebrating Canada day.

As I was laying on the beach, watching the fireworks while my niece played with my hair, I realized one of my big goals was to be happy. My benchmark for reaching this state is to be as happy as I was as a kid, when I had not a care in the world.

When I returned home, I went to my list and ticked off…

  • Buy a tent trailer and go camping again with my kids
  • Learn how to back up a trailer without jackknifing it.
  • Be happy.

check. check. check.

From my happy grateful heart to yours,
