Body, Mind, and Spirit

Yesterday, I skipped my Miracle Morning to focus on my editing stack. I got a lot of work done, which was great, but I got wrapped up in the overwhelming thoughts about all the work I have in front of me and lack of time to do it all.  There’s a limit to my energy some days.

I decided the very thing I needed was a workout. The momentum of negativity had already started within my mind, and it traveled right to my workout. Everything annoyed me…especially that dude who rests on a mat for 5 minutes in between sets taking up 1 of 2 squat racks during the busiest time at the gym. I attempted to channel all the negativity into a tough workout, but even that was not doing it for me. I avoided everyone because I knew if I opened my mouth negative would pop out of it. lol

Once I got to work (personal training) however, everything turned positive once again. I was so uplifted and empowered by the drive within others to better their lives. To show up. Lace up their shoes. And get to work. Their fighter spirit ignited my own.

So it got me thinking about balance, and the importance of working on all elements “Body, Mind, and Spirit”. Every. Single. Day.

I missed working on my Mind in the morning, so working on the body didn’t have the other two components behind the effort. I didn’t get to working on the spirit until later in my day, but it sure did make everything turn around for the good.

So today as you attack your day, I want to encourage you to find ways to feed all three elements.


Are you eating for fuel?: Complex carbohydrates to give you energy/fibre/vitamins and nutrients for your day. Protein to support muscle growth and maintain the muscle you already have. Protein also repairs muscle after your workout…we are literally made of protein so it’s essential. Healthy fats such as Omega’s which are vital for not only your physical health but also your emotional health too.

Are you moving your body every single day? Our bodies are designed to move. Think about what happens to a car that is left to the elements and never used. Our bodies are our vehicle. Keep it moving! When I was learning about exercise through my personal training certification, one fact I will always is remember is this: If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.

The other day at the gym I met two older gentleman who really inspired me. Bob and John, friends since 1960 and both close to 80 years old. As they spun on the exercise bike (and I was resting under a vent that directed cold air onto my overheated face), they told me they both had many health challenges they were facing. Hip issues (and surgeries), knee injuries, etc. And here they were at the gym spinning away and laughing through it. They both told me how important it was that they take control of their health and keep moving to the best of their abilities; despite their limitations. Just. Show. Up.


Are you challenging your mind beyond the scope of what you find comfortable? Learn and grow as a person daily. Just be better. We have that choice. We can choose monotony, routine, same old thoughts every day…or we can choose to grow and expand our minds. Challenging old tired belief systems that holds us back from moving forward. Read, journal, write, learn.  There is no finish line, just more to learn. There are people all around us with a whole lot of knowledge and life experience if we just listen.


What feeds your spirit? Maybe that’s going for a walk, phoning a friend, reading a good book, taking a nap, having a long bath, yoga, treating yourself to a massage, retail therapy with a friend, contributing to others through volunteering, listening to good music…whatever that is for YOU. Do it. Every day.

On music…I’ve always loved Sia. Plus she’s weird and she authentically owns it…which I enjoy a ridiculous amount…

Now taking care of your spirit can be tricky when life’s responsibilities pile up. I have learned to leave the dishes in the sink sometimes and just lay down, or call my girl Darina (she’s my person I’ve adored for all of life’s most important events which ironically has happened at similar times in our lives). It feels selfish, wasteful when there are so many other things needed to be done. But remember it’s just as essential to your happiness and health.


It’s within our power to shape who we are and how we feel every day. Choose wisely…


I hope you have a great day!

From my heart to yours,


Your Morning Motivator

This week I’ve struggled with staying motivated. If you struggle too, let me help you out today. 🙂

During my Miracle Morning, I was writing/thinking about ways to give to others. I realized one simple way I can contribute to the happiness of others lies within the energy I carry.

I think there are two types of people (and I’ve shifted between both):

Energy-Givers and Energy-Suckers.

We all have the power to give positive energy to others simply in the way we carry ourselves. The words/ideas we choose to give voice to. How we deal with adversity. We can give literally give the gift of positive energy to another person. Just think about how you feel when you spend time with someone with an infectious laugh, it’s impossible not to laugh too. It’s contagious. 🙂

Just as we can give it, we can also take it away.

Have you ever woken up happy and uplifted and throughout the course of your day dealing with negative people, your mood slowly shifts? Discouragement seeps in, and even the smallest annoyance in life transforms into anger. That shift in energy is then transferred to another. It’s a virtual wave of negativity.

The exciting news is that it doesn’t have to be that way. If you want to change a negative environment, you can right this second.  All it requires is a shift within your perception and mindset. THAT is within your control.

On the heels of Thanksgiving, I’m starting this day out with gratitude. I’m grateful for so much in my life, but most importantly the hard stuff. As I look back on the toughest times in my life, I’ve realized it’s uniquely prepared me for this stage of my life. From my day-to-day living with a gracious heart, to raising my beautiful children (who were born with a sense of good and wonder), and within my career which means the world to me. Everything I’ve learned, I can now transfer it to living an authentic life.

Even on the bad days, I will greet it with a smile because I am very aware how much another person’s kindness, positive energy, and uplifting attitude helped me during my darkest of days. It really is a gift. There are no words to adequately describe how much small acts of kindness touched my heart during times of struggle.

It’s a shiny patch of sunshine within the darkness. And because I deeply appreciate and understand what others gave to me, I can now be that shiny sunshine if I want to. That’s ridiculously amazing.

I think because I spent some time grieving in silence, I can instantly recognize it. So I smile. Big crazy smiles. ha! I can clearly see another’s strengths, pain, desire to just be better, doubt that lives within their abilities…all of it. And I know that I can at least remind them of their worth. There is no one on this earth more worthy than another. We are equally deserving of happiness and pride. Isn’t that the heart of the pursuit of life?

So today I choose to be an Energy-Giver to all I come in contact with. To start a small ripple of uplifting that can transform into a tidal wave of positive. You never know how that energy can transform and take momentum. If you ever doubt this, just think about how someone else helped you move forward when you were stuck.


I hope you all have a great day 🙂

I hope you choose to smile even if your heart is hurting.

I hope you choose to rise above whatever adversity you are dealing with.

I hope you recognize your worth. Your strengths. Your natural gifts of talent.

I hope you feel gratitude every time you look into the eyes of someone you love.

I hope you give the gift of positive energy.

And when you do, Positive OUT becomes Positive IN.

There’s  a whole lot to smile about.

From my heart to yours,
