Our Deepest Fear

Marianne Williamson wrote with poetic truth and beauty…

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness
That most frightens us.

We ask ourselves
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small
Does not serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine,
As children do.
We were born to make manifest
The glory of God that is within us.

It’s not just in some of us;
It’s in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we’re liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.

Her words have danced in my spirit the moment I read them.

I have allowed my insecurities and complacency to hold me back from experiencing a richness of life which comes when you take risk, live authentically, and have the courage to be vulnerable with others. It’s what connects us.

We all have insecurities in some form or fashion. They manifest differently for everyone.

Some mask it with bravado.

Some gossip.

Some shelter.

Some gaslight.

Some cover it with anger while others feel the weight of shame.

As I have worked at being more vulnerable, I have also felt convicted about sharing the areas of strength I’ve felt. As though my pride would be mistaken for vanity.

I can spin it back to love however…It’s not vain to love yourself fiercely. To speak passionately about whatever it is that ignites the fires of your spirit.

I want that for my children. To be strong, daring, unapologetic for their authenticity, with a vivacious energy that translates into fulfillment and gratitude for this one amazing grace-filled life.

Going into the New Year; I will try my best to live more honestly and authentically. To work more on my inner spirit than my outer aesthetic. I believe the outer follows suit to whatever you put into the soul.

I am and will be grateful for all that I have and all that I am working towards; quality of life.

I have let go of “stuff” and “status”.

I have let my mask fall.

I have run away pain, and bathed in the murk.

I have exercised my voice like a muscle and walked a little taller.

I have accepted both my light and dark side.

I know my strengths and I know my faults. As I worked daily on my spirit; self-awareness flooded my being with every sunrise of my Miracle Morning.

When you embrace the uniquely beautiful human you are, and explore the areas or life which excite you. delight you. bring a sparkle to your eye…Your light will shine so bright; it will be impossible not to see. And that light is infectious.

What makes you happy?

What makes your heart sing?

What makes you feel alive?

WHO makes you feel connected and understood?

Who celebrates your successes?

You see if you are at a place in your life where you are questioning who is in your corner; look to the people who are truly happy for your successes. The ones who feel your happy as much as your pain.

But never dim your light for anyone. That’s a betrayal to who you are meant to be. Your life has a purpose; live it passionately and boldly.

I will celebrate my successes and will continue to uplift others as they go after their own. Yessss, go get it!

United within strength as much as weakness.

I hope you have an amazing Christmas full of the love of family and friends.

From my heart to yours,



Private Healing

When I finally decided to tackle my health issues, I knew I wanted to do so privately. I didn’t share with my friends or family my plan to get the weight off.  Perhaps it was due to fear of failing; but knowing who I am as  a person…it was more so because the process for me was full of healing and reclamation of a life I couldn’t live the way I wanted to.

I yearned to run down a field with my kids without getting winded, go swimming without shame, and speak up passionately for what I believed in.

You see, the excess weight for me was a byproduct of shame and loss after a sexual assault. I won’t blame the assault on turning me into a physically unhealthy person (blood pressure issues/depression/etc.); however, I do recognize it was the catalyst.

It took many years to pack on that weight; and when I decided to shed that extra layer of shame and pain…the weight went along with it. I didn’t know who I was as a woman aside from my roles as a Mom/Wife/Sister/Friend/Daughter.

I didn’t follow a plan or strict calorie intake regimen. I made a daily promise to treat me as I treat those I love. To fuel with nutrition and water. Move a little, sometimes a lot, and some days not at all…sweet rest.

These past few years I have faced equally confusing and down days as my life has transitioned during a divorce. When I feel that pull to eat away the pain or stay in bed, I try my best to spin it back to love and simply move and eat well. To rebuild my family dynamic with my children in a new way; and just love them deeper.

I struggle between lending support to others; yet still honouring my pain and healing process.  I prefer to do so privately and quietly. I struggle to articulate to those I love and pull away from that I need to do this for me.  It’s not personal to them. I can not support anyone else if I don’t support my process too. I have lost friendships along the way as I have not met other’s needs and expectations.

Some find solace in sharing openly and aloud. I envy that in many ways; I would imagine it’s easier to keep up your friendships and support circle that way vs. isolating here and there.  I do also see the irony that I’m sharing this on a public blog 😉  I also find healing within sharing in a way that’s comfortable for me (alone in my office lol)

I hope this post shares some insight into the different yet equally healing ways people process various stages in life.

There is joy within the pain. There is laughter even through some tears. There is residual anger within the forgiveness.  And there is a whole lot of love when you drop the shame and regret. I am so thankful for all that I have; it’s all that I need. I am finding my zen joy a little more every day.

Family. Purpose. Fulfillment. Love. Security. Authenticity. Love. Acceptance.

I appreciate all who are still there for me when I do some private growing and we just pick up where we left off. I have nothing but love for my friends and family.

From my heart to yours,
