What’s on the Menu?

What did I eat everyday when I was losing the weight ?
I still continue to eat this way, but I do now eat whole grains with supper

I ate only whole grains, lean meats, and low-fat dairy.

I divided my plate like this: 1/4 of the plate is lean meat (a serving is usually the size of a deck of cards), 1/4 of the plate is whole grains (such as whole grain rice or whole grain pasta), and 1/2 of the plate is a variety of fruits and veggies.

I was never hungry.  I ate 3 balanced meals (with supper being the smallest meal) and 2 snacks every day.

Here’s a typical day:

Breakfast (after my workout):  Whole Grain cereal (high in fibre) topped with fresh fruit OR an egg-white omelette with green pepper, tomatoes, a bit of mozza cheese, and cut up turkey.    A cup of coffee, and a glass of Orange Juice, and Water

Snack:  Carrot sticks and yogurt, water

Lunch:  Whole grain sandwich with lean sandwich meat (low in sodium), cucumber, green pepper, leafy greens, mustard, 2 thin slices of mozza cheese,  green pepper.  Low-fat soup (I LOVE the Safeway brand “Eating Right” potato leak soup).  Lots of raw veggies and 1 tsp reduced fat Creamy Cucumber dressing.  Water

Snack: A piece of fruit…a banana, or a small bunch of grapes, or an apple, or an orange. Water

Supper: Lean Chicken or Fish and steamed veggies (when I first started losing the weight, I didn’t have any whole grains at supper) Water

Other great snacks: air popped popcorn with a bit of butter (no salt), almonds, blueberries, cottage cheese, or “skinny cow” brand low-fat ice cream!

Other tips:

Eat foods as close to their natural state as possible!  Stick with the perimeter of the grocery store, stay away from highly processed packaged products.  Buy organic fruits and veggies.

Eat slowly!  It takes about 20 minutes to realize that you are full!  Eat slowly, take your time, enjoy your food!  Stop eating when you are 80% full.  Listen to your body and you’ll figure out what’s right for you.

Don’t eat up to two hours before bedtime.

Continue to enjoy some of your favourite foods.  Eat them slowly, enjoy them, and not in excess of course!

Water, Water, Water!  Drink 8 to 10 glasses a day!

Remember, this is a lifestyle NOT a diet!

Feel free to use this great little form to track your foods and activity everyday.  It’s helpful to print a bunch off and put them in a binder so you can track your food/exercise daily.   There’s even a spot for weekly weigh-ins and for daily pedometer step totals 🙂


2 thoughts on “What’s on the Menu?

  1. C…thank you for sharing all of this information and the forms! Awesome! I’m going to print these off and use them!

  2. Christine- you are seriously awesome. I am sorry I don’t know you better!! Thanks for posting/blogging, I will be checking it out often as you are a fantastic inspiration.

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